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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  January 10, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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let me finish tonight with this one issue. joe biden is an ordinary fella in many ways. he's somebody you'd likely meet on a golf course or a bowling alley. in other words, he wouldn't be out of place with a group of pennsylvania deer hunters. if you don't believe me, go see the movie, "deer hunter." it's a classic. so i'm confident closing the gun show loophole, gun safety and doing something about those high-capacity gun clips. it's going to be something reasonable hunters and second amendment fighters will find sensible. the more people have a say in writing the law, the better the law, the fewer the people, the worse the law. big corporations, for example, shouldn't write corporate fax law. and gun owners shouldn't be the only people involved in gun law. anybody can be shot by a gun, killed by a gun and they all
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ought to have a say. all of us should make gun law, not just the gun people. so let's go at it and please don't, please don't lose interest. this is a test of strength. keep your grip on this gun safety issue. the other side is still into keeping theirs, you know, with their cold, dead hands. and that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks, chris: and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the vice president will see you now. today, at the white house, we've got the latest evidence the obama team is serious about changing the way we handle guns in this country. ahead of today's key meeting, the nra vice president -- ahead of today's meeting with the nra, vice president biden assured the country, action is on its way.
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>> there's got to be some common ground here to not solve any problem, but to diminish the probability of what we've seen in these mass shootings. >> there's a real tight window to do this. i've committed to him. i could have these recommendations to him by tuesday. >> recommendations hit the president's desk in five days. now is the time to get this done. the vice president recalled the recent tragedy as the driver for change. >> in all of my years involved in munitions, there has nothing that has peeked the consciousness of the american people, there is nothing that has gone to the heart of the matter more than the visual image people have of little secure kids riddle ed riddled, with a stray bullet, but riddled. i'm not sure i can guarantee
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this will never happen again, but even as the pthd said, if what we do saves one life, it makes sense. >> a solution is possible. but we need action. sadly, we were reminded of that again today at the exact same time of vice president biden's remark, this was unfolding on the other side of the country. >> good morning, once again from the 17 news room. it's just before 10:00 a.m. and we're continuing to up dadate y on that breaking news this morning. two people have been shot at taft high school. >> two people shot at another school. a school monitored by a unifo uniformed, deputy sheriff. a sober reminder it is time to act. and it's against that backdrop that the vice president met with nra and other gun owner groups today. judging by the nra's response, they're scared. in a statement, the group said we were disappointed with how little this meeting had to do with keeping our children safe
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and how much it had to do with an agenda to attack the second amendment. this administration continues to insist on pushing failed solutions to our nation's most pressing problems. since when is gun legislation a failed solution to a gun problem. an they're not the only ones nervous about the power the white house has in this fight. senator lindsey graham tweeted gun control by executive order could be a power grab. that won't go down well with congress or the american people. a power grab? no, it's common sense solutions. but don't tell that to rush limbaugh. he's going to the old playbook of fear. >> what could they -- >> a bunch of liberal democrats worried about guns, talking about using executive orders. what could it possibly be about? a gun grab. make no mistake, they are planning a gun grab.
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>> this isn't a gun grab. this is about a safer america for our kids. and the nra and the gop notice, time, time, time is now. and this time, it feels different. joining me now is congressman b bobby scott, democrat of virginia. and john addler, addler is the president of the law enforcement officers association. he met with vice president biden last month to discuss gun control. let me first thank both of you for joining me tonight. >> thank you, sir. congressman, you come from virginia. this is not exactly gun control country. but doesn't it seem different i. this time? do you see an opportunity for legislation? >> i do, reverend al. 30,000 people are killed by firearms every year. most of them, unfortunately,
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commit suicide. but over 10,000 are murdered by handguns. and nothing has been done about this over the years. but this is different. i think the mass killing of school children at a school has provoked a different reaction. and i think people are willing to do whatever it takes to defend and protect our children. >> now, in a statement, the nra argued that the gun owners are being blamed in this whole situation. i don't know that they're blaming gun owners as much as they're dealing with how we regulate and deal with gun possession, gunl purchasing and the types of things that's available, congressman. i don't think anyone is demonizing gun owners. >> and i don't think there's any one solution. it has to be a comprehensive approach. one of the terms that we're frequently hearing now are evidence-based solutions. that is not slogan-based, but
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evidence-based. and i think there's some things that would be recommended, a background check to make sure that the wrong people aren't getting firearms. a substantial portion of the gun acquisitions are done without any background check at all. we're going to see what we can do with the military, assault-type weapons and the huge magazines that contain 30, 50 and some, i understand, a hundred bullets. why do you need more than ten bullets at a time in one magazine? we need to make sure that straw purchases are condemned and criminalized. the penalty for straw purchases where you go buy a gun for somebody because you can pass a background check when they can't. those are having very little penalty at all. but what we also need to deal with is mental health.
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making sure with those with mental health challenges get help. >> let me go to john addler, you and your membership. you represent federal law enforcement officers. does it file different to you this time? you were in discussions last month with the vice president. i'm sure you've been in discussions down through the years. does it feel different to you? >> it does. it broke the heart of every american, every person in this country irrespective of their political views. i represent members nationwide. some are strong advocates. others believe that the ban should take place. but the common denominators are children and schools. reverend al, it's right. it may be a legislative approach, it may be a tactical
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approach or a regulatory approach. but this hits home. do what's necessary so we can protect our children. >> now, you represent federal law enforcement officers, some that agree and some that disagree on how we get there. is there common ground in this area that we can find common ground that would really deal with this issue when we see children being buried. i mean children. >> absolutely. there's issues with the mental health and the straw buyers. i just wish everyone would understand the second amendment is not going to evaporate. it does not cut to the core of what we're dealing with here. we need to focus on a comprehensive strategy. schools are sacred grounds. we can't have guns near schools. period.
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the nra who had come out suggesting arming teachers and putting armed guards in schools. today, they're going to take their own solutions directly to congress. let me quote from their statement. we will now take our commitment and meaningful contributions to members of congress of both parties who are interested in having an honest conversation about what works and what does not work. are you confident that congress now is maybe ready to do something and in a different place than it's been since you've been on this committee trying to deal with this? >> i think one of the important terms to you is evidence-based. you have to look at evidence. one of the -- dewey cornell frequently reminds us if your prevention plan begins when your shooter is at the door, it's too late.
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you have to have prevention that goes back a long way. one of the things that we need to do is to make sure young people get on the track and stay on the right track. we need the youth promise act to provide grants to do this so that you don't have young people being bullied, getting mad, graduating year after year and getting worse and worsz. we need to make sure that we identify these people as early as possible and have a comprehensive evidence-based approach to youth violence and youth violence generally. there's not going to be any one slugsz. it has to be kompb rehencive. and you can't wait until the shooter is at the door. >> so you would agree with the congressman and that's your message to the vice president that we must solve the problem and we can get to common ground here? >> agreed. and if the vice president has to
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go to all of the groups and lock them in a room, i mean, they resolved the nhl strike and that isn't as important as this. >> we're going to have to leave it there. thank you both for your time tonight. coming up, more on the nra playbook of fear and smear. ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪
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have you joined the "politics nation" conversation on facebook yet? we hope you will. today, everyone is weighing in on vice president biden's meeting. i know vice president biden will do his best to stop gun violence in america. alfred said we can't forget that gun violence happens mostly to the 47%. leondres says something needs to be done. coming up, i'm talking to a
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mayor who has stood up to nra and they tried to get him arrested. but, first, we want to hear what you think, too. please head over to facebook and search politics nation and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. [ in distinct shouting ] ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor... [ indistinct shouting, bell dinging ]'ll bust your brain box. ♪ all on thinkorswim from td ameritrade.
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♪ because for every 2 pounds you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪ the nra may fight us every step of the way. but each day that passes without gun control is a day of tragedy and loss. since the shootings at sandyhook elementary 27 days ago, there have been nearly 700 gun deaths in this country.
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seven of those victims were children under the age of 12. this isn't some abstract fight in washington. this is literally a life and death issue. it's happening in our backyards, our streets our town yards. joining me now is the man at the forefront of this fight, mayor michael nutter of philadelphia. he's a key leader of mayors against illegal guns, a group formed to address the gun violence in our towns and cities. he's been so passionate in this fight that the nra once called for him to be arrested, a demand i consider a badge of honor. mayor nutter, thank you for joining me tonight. >> thank you, reverend al. >> mayor, you've been involved in this course for years. is now the time you feel to get this done? >> it is the time. and i was listening to you earlier. the reason is because this is
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different. it's very different. as one of the earlier guests said, it really has broken the hearts of americans all across this country and people around the world. and elected officials, i think, are really paying a lot more attention to this and then taking action. the leadership that is already come forward by president obama and then his asking vice president biden to take on this issue, the vice president's record is clear in terms of public safety and taking swift action to make america much safer. the vice president has been working this issue since the president asked him to jump on it, virtually, every day. so i think this is a unique moment. democrats, republicans, mayors, governors and we hear from the president and vice president. the vice president is having these meetings. he talked about what happened earlier today.
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something good is going to happen out of an incredible tragedy in connecticut and the tragedies that mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and neighbors experience on a daily basis all across the cities of the united states. >> that's what i want to address. because newtown absolutely a despicable, unthinkable act. but we've been seeing in cities across the country from chicago to detroit and to your city of philadelphia, which you've been able to bring down some. these kinds of tragedies happening at a smaller, singular level and men like you and women like mayors that are a part of your group have been trying to get the nation's attention on this for some time. and the mayors against illegal guns have called for criminal background checks for gun buyers and assault weapons and
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high-capacity magazines. >> these are common sense issues. again, it's been said by many, many people. these military assault-type weapons, there's no reason in the world for a civilian to have one of those weapons. they're for law enforcement and the military. the high capacity clips. again, what do you need them for? what possible appropriate use would there be? the national background check system must be upgraded. states, including pennsylvania, need to populate that with the names of those who should not have weapons or maybe those who have mental health issues and challenges. we save all of these cuts across the united states. again, even proposed for pennsylvania that could affect provision of mental health services. and there are any number of other reasonable, common sense steps that can be taken. i respect the second amendment. but you're having a gun should
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not interfere with my first amendment right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. we must have common ground. we need a bipartisan approach. the nra is increasingly showing that they are out of the mainstream. they are not really astute. that's what nra stands for. and they're not really engaged in a serious discussion about what's going on in the streets of america each and every day. and whether it's new town or aurora or philadelphia big city, small city, in the city, in the suburbs, in rural areas, these are serious matters. and we have to be serious about them. >> since you said they're not really as constitute, let me show you some that are being extreme as you've talked about common sense and reasonably coming to common ground. rocker ted nugent compared gun owners to rosa parks. he told the web site "world net
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daily," quote, there will come a time when the gun owners of america, the law-abiding gun owners of america will be the rosa parks and we will sit down on the front seat of the bus. case closed. i wonder if he's off his rocker, pun intended. but then you have yesterday, the judge report showed pictures of hitler and stalin next to a link on the white house considering executive action on gun control. i mean, these are, like, way out there. >> they're totally out ray jous. i don't want to talk about folks who are not serious about this business. we have short term and long term issues that we need to deal with. i've been talking with other mayors and elected officials about the need for a national commission on domestic terism, violence and crime in america. similar to our response at a certain level to the 9/11
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tragedy. we had a 9/11 commission we are still utilizing. it's to make sure that we're safe in our air travel that came out of the 9/11 commission. we created the department of homeland security and made it a secretary position sitting at the cabinet level. that level of coordination and response and seriousness and funding, hiring of personnel to make sure cities are safe, at least seem safe, as we all seem to be. so that idea is out there. that's for longer term exploration. it's a very serious proposal. and that there should be an office within the department of homeland security specifically dedicated to working with cities and municipal governments on the issue of crime in this country. in 2011, more than 14,000 people
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were murdered in the united states of america. these are serious issues. you were talking about that earlier. so when the federal government partners with state and local governments, we can actually get things done. and that's what we need to be focused on. dealing with issues of high capacity guns. standards of accountability for gunman ewe factturers and retailers that look at the kind of values that americans have in terms of peace and prosperity. that's the real issue at hand. >> common sense and common ground. mayor michael nutter, thank you for your time and your good work. >> thank you. >> still ahead, honoring martin luther king, jr. a powerful statement from the president for his second inauguration. but, first, we dug up the real gop party platform. if president obama is for it, they're against it.
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their platform on full display again today. stay with us. i describe myself as a mother, a writer and a performer.
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at the heart of barack obama's presidency is a commitment to civil rights. he always represented the ideas of justice, equality and opportunity. and he never forgot where he came from. remember senator obama's famous speech in selma? >> but something is stirring across the country because of what happened in selma, alabama because some folks are willing to march across the bridge. don't tell me i'm not coming home when i come to selma, alabama. i'm here because somebody marched for our freedom. i'm here because your sacrifice for me. i stand on the shoulders of giants. >> one of the giants he's talking about was dr. martin
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luther king, jr. and today, we'll learn about a powerful tribute the president has that the world will see. stay with us.
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with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. it's really easy to be a republican these days. if the president is for it, they're against it. if he likings it, they hate it. if he wants someone in his cabinet, then they don't. today, president obama officially nominated his chief of staff to take over as treasury secretary. >> we deal with mutation as a master of policy to forge principle compromises. jack has my complete trust. i know i'm not alone in that. in the words of one former senator having lou on your team is the equivalent of a coach having the luxury of putting somebody in almost any position and knowing he will do well. >> but right on cue, here comes the republican outrage.
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jack lew must never become the secretary to the president. >> i've got a news flash for republicans. that's called being chief of staff. of course jack lew served the president. of course he's in the inner circle. that was his job. he was chief of staff. but this is now the gop's default reaction. opposed to everything the president does, no matter what it is. joining me now is joan walsh, editor at large of and former pennsylvania governor ed rendell now an nbc news analyst. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you, reverend al. >> governor, is this the best the gop's got? just don't do whatever? is the strategy going to
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succeed? >> first of all, it's pathetic. the american people understand traditionally, a president gets to the point he thinks the people will best serve him in the country. the only way they should be confirmed is if there's something in their background that's criminal. something in their background that's irresponsible. but jaek lew has been a good public servant. you may disagree with the economic theories that he brings to the job, but the annals to the republicans complaints is win the next presidential election. it doesn't say that the executive branch should be shared between the congress and the president. it's ludicrous and it's going to backfire on them. they're going to look like complete obstructionists. >> joan, the president has known this for a long time. the republicans have tried to block them at every turn. here's a 2010 statement he made on this. listen to this. >> they've said no just to about
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every idea i proposed, every policy i've proposed, everyone id even ideas they've traditionally agreed with. i'm not exaggerating. we've had situations where they would sponsor bills, i'd say okay, and they'd say oh, if you're okay with it, we must be against it. it happened a bunch of times. [ cheers and applause ] >> i mean, it is really a continuation of that kind of political lunacy, joe. >> well, it is. and governor rendell is right. this idea that somehow they share in the cabinet and that somebody who the president trusts and is already appointed and who has worked for the president is somehow not qualified or disqualified from serving as his treasury secretary. >> they're not getting the fact
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that what you do in this country is you compete. and, during campaigns, on the field of ideas and then you win ideas and get to put your people in charge and do the policies that you promised to the american people. somehow, that's no longer allowed. i think it goes back to president clinton where they even impeached him to stop somebody. it's really good, liberal values. >> yeah, absolutely. and it's a kind of nullification, in my opinion, of our electoral process. but the republicans are saying we're not going to do what we elected them to do. that's our hold on power is to block even when that's not the way the system is sfoezed to work. john ward at the huffington
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post, he really studied republican think tanks and heritage foundation and aei. and he wrote this. conservatism needs an attitude adjustment. get hungry, get humble and get to know more people who aren't like you. a cultural shift in gop will go a long way toward fixing the party's other big problem, the idea that you can persuade people by talking at them and not with them. that's a little deeper problem i think ward is right about. >> it is a deeper problem. but i would suggest that, pivoting off of that, they have a huge image problem. this idea of opposing every single person the president puts forward, the american people are going to get fed up with it. we have a tremendous amount of vacancies in the judiciary because they sat for six months and wouldn't confirm any of president obama's appointments.
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now they've lost the election. let's see them confirm those judges and put them in place unless they've got some real evidence. i think the american people are getting fed up with this gridlock. and this tactic they're taking, to me, is political suicide. >> now, joan, the other thing that is suicidal. they block things like relief bills for hurricane sandy. congresswoman lynn jenkins posted on her facebook page. i hope congress will devise a plan to directly help sandy victims that will offset -- that will be offset with spending deductions. now, congresswoman jenkins says she's against pork.
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but citizens against government waste named her porker of the month in april, 2009. how did she earn the title, parker of the month? look at representative jenkins earmarks in 2010 alone. she sponsored 13 earmarks that total totalled a lot of money. so how do you're mark what would be considered pork. but because you're dealing with another party and you're dealing in states that may be blue, all of the sudden, you have concerns about pork? that is part of a relief bill. >> and this is another schism in the republican party that we're seeing more and more.
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the way they're treating these blue state republicans. they're driving blue state republicans out of their party. and the few that are left in are hugely mad. at the same time, they're also reintroducing a repeal of obama care. reintroducing the funding planned parenthood. the american people are horrified for. >> as the governor says, they're becoming a laughing stock. they really don't seem to have learned anything from this last election. >> all right, we're going to have to leave it there. joan walsh and governor ed rendell, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend al. >> coming up, lessons of lincoln.
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everybody's talking about the new oscar favorite, but what can president obama take for it for his second term? stay with us. ♪
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i need to talk about a fight for justice going on in napeles, florida. for nine years, terrance williams and philippe santos have been mizing. williams was last seen in the back of a sheriff deputy's patrol car. he says he left terrance at a convenience store. three months earlier, this man, philippe santos also sdis appeared. investigators say santos was also dropped off at a convenience store after being in the patrol car. earlier today, i joined hollywood super star tyler perry to push for an investigation into these cases. >> this isn't justice and we have the power to change this. we have the power to see someone brought to justice. i also want to offer a $100,000 reward.
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my message was about coming together to draw attention to this. >> this kind of issue requires all of us, black, white, latino, asian, rich and poor to come together. this isn't about pointing fingers, this is about joining hands. >> both men missing in separate encounters allegedly with the same man. their family deserves answers. and get a case of x-9 paper for only 1-cent after maxperks rewards. find thousands of big deals now... officemax. but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth!
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[ bop ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8.
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lincoln, lincoln, lincoln, lincoln. >> lincoln is the toast of hollywood, leading the oscar field with 12 nominations announced this morning. the drama features the 16th president of the united states focusing on his struggle to legislate at a time when the nation was divided. >> we must cure ourselves of
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slavery. >> god help us for trapping anyone in a marriage that's only ever given you grief. >> the fate of human dignity is in our hands. let's look forward to this moment now, now, now. >> the timing of lincoln couldn't come at a more interesting time. in just 11 days, president obama will be sworn in for a second term. today, we learned he'll take the oath of office with his hand placed on a bible owned by abraham lincoln. the same one he used the first time around. it's symbolic because president obama has said president lincoln is his favorite. he pronounced his presidency at the same plasz lincoln delivered his speech in 1858. on a day we celebrate lincoln on the big screen, we asked what
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lessons president obama can take for him for his second term. joining me now is patricia murphy, editor of citizen jane politics and contributor for the daily beast and washington post political columnist, dana millbank. >> patricia, what can president obama take from lincoln in his second term? >> obviously, there's so much he can take. it's not to flinch in the face of a moral challenge. that's something that the president has said. he most admired about lincoln that there was a moral imperative to end slavery and he knew when to fight and when to unite the nation. i think the president sees a series of moral imperatives, immigration, gun control, the fiscal crisis. all of this i think he's digesting as moral imperatives, i think he's going to take that through his second term and really fight to see the end that he wants to have.
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i think another lesson he could learn together is to unite this. he needs to get some of this done. he really does. they're not going to make it easy for him. when we hear about a house divided, we've got -- that's what we're facing right now. and i think that's a challenge he can face and can learn a lot from lincoln right there. >> i did see this movie and i think some of the activists were given credit. but the president is today, like lincoln, and his time, has to deal with an almost inflexible opposition. what do you think this president could glean from how lincoln handled that? >> right, reverend. well, first of all, the comparisons are so difficult because the times are so different. and i think president obama is right not to compare himself to
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lincoln because any of our presidents are going to come out lacking from that come parson. and i think what the movie showed is even this sainted figure in our history had to deal things like horstraiting and lots of ambiguity. we learned he prolonged bloodshed in the war so he could get the 13th amendment through. we saw he tried to buy out democrats by offering them federal jobs. what i think you would know now is if that sort of thing were going on, the tea party would stand up against lincoln and say he's not being pure enough in his ideology and sticking enough to principle. >> i don't know if they would ask for his birth certificate, though. let me ask you, patricia.
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>> listen to the president discussing "lincoln and the movie around give me your reaction. >> people have been asking me a lot about the film lincoln. >> is this your lincoln moment? >> well, no. a, i never con paired myself to lincoln. and, b, obviously, the magnitude of the issues are kwiet different i. from civil war and slavery. the point is democracy has always been messy. we're a big, diverse country. but, eventually, we do the right thing. >> this was in the middle of the fiscal cliff battle, patricia. and he talked about how they are not comparing himself there but are having to deal with a similar situation of controversy and deviciveness. >> yeah, i think that is obama
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really praising lincoln in a way for lincoln's ability to take the long view that to know to get to the ends, sometimes the means are not going to be attractive. and i think that is just obama saying listen, it's not going to be pretty. we're going to have to do some things that people on the left don't want to see, people on the right don't want to see. i think he's deeply, deeply committed to that. he's going to have to crack some skulls. i think you see him in that moral conviction. >> now, the president in the second term agenda maybe can use some of these lessons as he deals with cutting the federal deficit, gun control, immigration reform, reducing unemployment, voting reform. these are things, dana, he's going to have to face and he's going to have to use lessons
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from lincoln and everyone else to really achieve what would be transformative things in the issues he's outlined. >> they would be and he has a serious obstacle in this congress. i think, in many ways, to learn the lessons of lincoln would be more of an imperative for this congress. harry reid did have the senator sit down. kevin mccarthy brought colleagues to a theater to see this film. the problem is everybody takes selective lessons from it and believes that they're representing the legacy of lincoln. where, if they were actually to take it seriously, they'd realize that political life is all about compromise and not getting all that you want. >> patricia, dana, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> still ahead, a powerful tribute to martin luther king, jr. that all of america will see
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at president obama's inauguration. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] don't just reject convention. drown it out.
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ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. we close tonight about a potent symbol of justice and sacrifice that millions of americans will see. in addition to the lincoln bible, president obama will also be sworn in using a bible that wunsz belonged to the reverenced dr. martin luther king, jr. it's dr. king's traveling bible. the bible he used in preparing sermons and speeches, starting with his time as pastor of dexter avenue church in montgomery, alabama. last year, the president spoke about king's example of the dedication in his national memorial.


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